Potential Bitcoin schism

発表元 12/07/2017
In the Bitcoin community change is in the air. On 1st August 2017 there is expected to be a schism of Bitcoin due to the activation of Protocol BIP148 (please see here for more details: http://www.uasf.co). According to this Protocol, on 1st August the Bitcoin network will split into two and at this point the consequences of which remain very unclear. FXChoice reserves the right to suspend Bitcoin deposits/withdrawals/inter-account transfers, and at this moment no course of action can be completely ruled out until certain guarantees can be ascertained. Closer to the date of activation, when the outcome of the schism should be clearer, the company expects to make a further announcement about the operation of Bitcoin and recommends its clients to keep a close eye on company communication.


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Potential Bitcoin schism

最低入金額は USD 10

Potential Bitcoin schism


Potential Bitcoin schism


Potential Bitcoin schism


Potential Bitcoin schism


Potential Bitcoin schism


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