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理論にとらわれず、実践に重きを置いたFX教育をお望みなら、私たちの教育ハブが最適です。基礎から高度な分析まで、8章で構成されており、グローバルマーケットに取り組むための確かな基礎を身につけることができます。Forex: 101から始めて、全コースを受講することもできますし、好きな章を選んで受講することもできます。私たちと一緒にトレードを学びましょう

Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 1
Forex 101
There are many different definitions of forex, but from a trading perspective, you only need one: Forex is a decentralised global marketplace where traders agree to exchange one currency to another at specified prices.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 2
Trading platform and basic terms
You need to familiarise yourself with trading platform basics. There are many different features on the platform, but we will focus only on the essentials to take your first steps in trading.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 3
Methods of making trading decisions
We must analyse forex pairs to decide whether to buy/sell or hold positions. Without analysis, trading is random and sure to fail.
Start Chapter
Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 4
The Foreign Exchange Market
What makes the forex market so great to trade is its size. It is the biggest market in the world. Despite being dominated by large banks, corporations, and governments, participants of any size can join in and trade at almost the same relative cost.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 5
What is Fundamental Analysis?
The four major currency pairs account for about two-thirds of all the daily turnover in the foreign exchange market and are the most-watched barometers. The majors are EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD and USDCHF.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 6
Technical Analysis
Charts have been used to illustrate price movements for hundreds of years. Today technical analysis, the study of charts and indicators, is commonplace and used extensively by traders, analysts and investors.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 7
What to do to Improve Your Trading
The best traders have a plan and stick to it. Most winners in trading are working to a trading plan and treat trading seriously and as a business. No one would seriously expect to succeed in business without a plan.
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Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market
Chapter 8
Golden Rules for Successful Trading
There are dos and don’ts for traders. These are rules the very best live by. No one is born knowing all this. The way to acquire them is the same way any other successful traders have: through patience, focus, discipline and experience.
Start Chapter

FXEducation Glossary

Popular Terms

Stop Loss

An order to close a trade at a specific price to stem losses. This is used to close a trade to stop your account being wiped out.

Take Profit

An order to close a trade at a specific price to lock in profit without you having to physically close the trade yourself.


To put in very simple terms, it allows you to open larger trades with less capital. Leverage is a great tool that allows you to earn more, but it comes at a price. The higher the leverage you use, the higher the risk of losing your investment. It can amplify both your earnings and losses. You need to find a balance between your capital and leverage. If you’re new to forex, it’s highly recommended to keep leverage low and not to open too many positions. A small investment + high leverage = likely disaster.


Turnover of a market. In MetaTrader you define the size of your trade in lots.


Difference between order price and execution usually caused by lack of liquidity or a surprise news event.


Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market

最低入金額は USD 10

Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market


Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market


Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market


Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market


Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market


ご質問がある場合 ヘルプセンター Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market にアクセスしてください

ご質問がある場合 ヘルプセンター Find out which commodities performed best in yesterday's range-bound market にアクセスしてください
